Thursday, April 21, 2016

Quick Post: Purchasing Costumes

Purchased Leia costume;
thrift-shop toy gun  (2007)
In starting this blog and talking with a lot of people from ECCC, I think it's important to address impostor syndrome in cosplay. No, not as in you're pretending to be a character you're actually not; that's all the fun! I'm talking about not feeling like a "real" cosplayer. I know I mentioned feeling that way at the Star Wars meetup when I dressed as Rey before someone complimented me on my painted armbands. Others were sheepish about pieces they'd reused, thrifted, or (GASP!) purchased as a costume piece.  It was this last option that seemed to make the most people uncomfortable. If you buy a costume instead of making it yourself, are you a "real" cosplayer?

Yes. The answer is yes.

Anyone who puts on a costume and loves their character is a "real" cosplayer. It may not be the most professional cosplay and it may not be the most crafty, but that doesn't make anyone less "real" than anyone else.

I saw a speaker this past week who was talking about impostor syndrome with women who worked with video games. Women have been significantly less likely to call themselves "gamers," even if they play games everyday, she said. (I can attest to this, as an avid tabletop role-playing game player who often hesitates about the term myself.) For her definition, she said: "A gamer is someone who is interested in and loves games. Period!"

I think that is a perfect definition of a cosplayer as well. The term comes from "costume play," so if you are in a costume, love the character, and are having fun, then there is nothing less "real" about your cosplaying than anyone else's!

So have fun! If you have a licensed or purchased costume, maybe add little touches to make it your own! Switch up the belt that comes with it; customize your make-up; add some different buttons or distressing. Have fun with your costume, no matter it's origin.

Adapted, Goodwill-purchased Jack Sparrow Disney costume;
 with new belt, adjusted hair, make-up, and rum! (2012)

And own your character! Play around! Your attitude is the best accessory you have, and the best part about it? It is all your own and it is free!

Help me, trash can! You're my only hope!
(My goofiness? Cost me only $0.00)

Just some advice from your friendly neighborhood thrift cosplayer! Happy costume playing!

~ LK

1 comment:

  1. the trash can pic is priceless! also love your philosophy.
